Here's my situation: I have a screen that contains a table of objects
(say the screen is displayed by ""). There is a link on the
screen that causes a new object to be created by a Struts action (call
it ""). The action forwards back to "". If the
creation was successful, the table should now show the list of objects
with the newly-created one added. If the creation failed, the table
should display along with an error message.

Here's my problem: when the "Create" link is clinked, the Action that
does the work needs to do a redirect forward to "". Otherwise
you end up with "" in the browser location bar, and if
the user then does a refresh on the table screen, instead of refreshing the browser attempts to refresh, which is wrong. The
redirect solves this problem, except for error cases. If creation fails,
I want to display an error message on the table screen. But all
ActionErrors associated with the request are lost when I redirect.

Any workarounds?

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