My idea is to gather the properties into a static java.util.Properties
object from a call to a stored procedure and instantiate it in context scope
at application startup using the java -d argument to set the environment and
filename in the system properties.  The properties would then be available
to any calling method, same as if fetching from a textfile.


-----Original Message-----
From: Eddie Bush [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 3:11 PM

I don't know how helpful that would be.  I love it for a persistence 
framework, but it seems like it might possibly be (mega-)over-kill for 
this task.  Although!  ... that would certainly take away any confusion 
about what the table/field names were (just map your classes to your 
tables)!  The down-side would be that, not only would you have to 
instantiate your bundle, but you'd also have to instantiate an object 
for *every single* key/value pair (that got used).



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