On Sat, 2002-09-07 at 16:53, Michaël wrote:
> > If you're using a JSP 1.2 container (e.g. Tomcat 4.x, Resin 2.x),
> > you can do
> > this (and many other cool things) using the JSTL <c:forEach> tag:
> >
> >   <c:forEach items="items" var="item" varStatus="status">
> >     <c:out value="${item}"/>
> >     <c:if test="${!status.last}">
> >       ...is followed by...
> >     </c:if>
> >   </c:forEach>
> >
> > This is a great reason to start getting familiar with JSTL. :-)
> Does JSTL support nested collections?  I'm currently using the nested taglib
> more than the logic taglib.

While I'm sure it will allow you to view the nested collection structure
as each bean is offered up by the last tag. updates from fields in a
nested structure is another deal, as the JSTL wont know how to assemble
the property strcture that Struts will correctly map through to the
right bean.

The JSTL tags don't relate to each other the way the nested tags do.
There's no obvious way to make the functionality handy to the JSTL or
I'd put it forward for a spec improvement. It's just that Struts had the
need to get the dot notation property under control.

Those people which take on that "only JSTL" is a good policy is simply
going to miss out on what the nested tags will dor for them. Shame, but
a reality.


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