On 9/11/2002 at 9:17 AM Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

>At the high level:  The JSTL tags are nice.  The JSTL expression language
>(now adopted by JSP 2.0) is powerful enough to completely eliminate the
>need for scriptlets and runtime expressions in JSP pages.  JSP 2.0 page
>compilers will also let you use EL expressions directly in template text,
>not just in tag attributes.

So you _have_ rewritten Java in an xml-like language. :) except that you
break xml rules by allowing things like jsp elements in tag attributes.

>At the low level:  Given that you have to use *some* syntax for this
>stuff, picking a syntax that lots of people are already familiar with
>seems a lot smarter than making one up and having to teach it to all your
>page authors :-).

I guess that's where we disagree. I don't think you have to have a
programming language for doing your view pages. I think you should keep the
programming logic back in your Java code where it belongs and the language
which does the transformation from model to view should not let you do
anything except transform input tree into output tree.

I guess what I'm trying to point out is this: it seems to me that with JSTL
and its friends, JSP pages now share the drawbacks of XSLT (namely verbose
syntax) without gaining any of its benefits (side-effect free processing
model forces logic to stay back in the controller, strict adherence to xml
syntax makes it easy to validate xslt stylesheets as well as their output).

- donald

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