(DynaActionForm) myForm = (DynaActionForm) form;

Giovedì, 30 gen 2003, alle 17:23 Europe/Rome, Boris Folgmann ha scritto:

I've defined a DynaValidatorForm in struts-config.xml without any classfile
in WEB-INF/classes. A JSP using this Form for data input and validation
works well. But how can I instantiate an object of this DynaValidatorForm?
I need to generate an array of form objects so that I can print them using
<logic:iterate> in a table.
Using new org.apache.struts.validator.DynaValidatorForm() is wrong, because
I need an object of the derived class and not the base class. So what's the
class name of the Form?

Hope somebody can help.


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