Your Action gets passed a copy of the actionForm object that it is useing. So specify the name of your DynaValidatorForm in the name property of your action's definition. Then populate the actionForm oject in your action and forward to the JSP that expects a populated DynaValidatorForm..


On Thu, 30 Jan 2003 17:23:47 +0100
Boris Folgmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've defined a DynaValidatorForm in struts-config.xml without any classfile
in WEB-INF/classes. A JSP using this Form for data input and validation
works well. But how can I instantiate an object of this DynaValidatorForm?
I need to generate an array of form objects so that I can print them using
<logic:iterate> in a table.
Using new org.apache.struts.validator.DynaValidatorForm() is wrong, because
I need an object of the derived class and not the base class. So what's the
class name of the Form?

Hope somebody can help.


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