I haven't done anything with the Tomcat's classpath and jarring up all my 
classes didn't work either... :(

Anymore suggestions?


On Thursday 30 January 2003 20:35, David Graham wrote:
> I have had this same problem in the past.  Make sure you're not putting
> anything on Tomcat's classpath.  That seemed to fix my problem.  You might
> also try jarring up all your class files and putting it in /WEB-INF/lib
> instead.
> David
> From: Bjørn T Johansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Why doesn't the application resource file get loaded?
> >Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2003 19:24:19 +0100
> >
> >In theory it should, but it ain't.
> >I am running Struts 1.1 Beta 3 and TomCat 4.1.18 under Linux...
> >
> >My ApplicationResources.properties file is in the folder
> >webapp/WEB-INF/classes/com/havleik and in the web.xml file I have:
> >
> >...snip....
> ><servlet-name>action</servlet-name>
> >     <servlet-class>org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet</servlet-class>
> >     <init-param>
> >       <param-name>application</param-name>
> >       <param-value>com.havleik.ApplicationResources</param-value>
> >     </init-param>
> >...snip....
> >
> >and likewise in struts-config.cml...:
> >
> >...snip...
> ><message-resources parameter="com.havleik.ApplicationResources"
> >null="false"
> >/>
> >...snip....
> >
> >I have tried every possible way all day, but I can't get the resource file
> >loaded. According to books and examples, this is the way to do it!??
> >
> >Any help out there?
> >
> >
> >Regards,
> >
> >BTJ
> >
> >--
> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >--------------------- Bjørn T Johansen (BSc,MNIF)
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> >Fax : +47 67 54 13 91                N-1338 Sandvika
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> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >--------------------- "The stickers on the side of the box said "Supported
> > Platforms: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0,
> >Windows 2000 or better", so clearly Linux was a supported platform."
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Bjørn T Johansen (BSc,MNIF)
Executive Manager                               
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  Havleik Consulting
Phone : +47 67 54 15 17         Conradisvei 4
Fax : +47 67 54 13 91           N-1338 Sandvika
Cellular : +47 913 32 280       http://www.havleik.no
"The stickers on the side of the box said "Supported Platforms: Windows 98, 
Windows NT 4.0,
Windows 2000 or better", so clearly Linux was a supported platform."

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