As developers, I think its our job to develop, making the best use of the best tools available.

I may be involved with a .NET project this summer. And if I am, you can bet I'm bringing along the C# renditions of my favorite tools. Ant, Hibernate, Lucene, Maverick (similar to Struts), Velocity, all have .NET projects churning away at SourceForge. Some of these still need some work, but its work we know how to do.

The nice thing about this article is that it echoes what I have been telling clients. .NET is a nice quick-to-market platform, but its immature and still needs to be augmented by the products real, live enterprise developers have been building in Java over the last few years.

Although the skills most of us bring to a project have less to do with the tools themselves, and more to do with how we use the tools. After all, no matter how good you are using product X today, it's liable to be a very different product two years from now.


Ted Husted,
Struts in Action <>

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