If, as the article suggests, one camp (Microsoft) got to tune their app,
and the other did not, I'd not put too much stock in the performance


On Friday, March 21, 2003, at 11:19 AM, Brian Lee wrote:

All of your arguments below are true, but the concern over the TMC report is that if .Net runs apps 50% faster than J2EE then why not use W2k for the app servers running .Net and ditch your J2EE app server. That's the scary argument. Since .Net can communicate with any J2EE apps pretty seamlessly using SOAP, you could have j2ee frontends on top of .Net logic etc.

Portability is one of j2ee's main benefits, but it can't come at a completely steep performance cost.


From: "Sterin, Ilya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [FRIDAY] Microsoft
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2003 09:11:34 -0700

I think however powerful .NET might be, it'll never reach it's full
potential, due to the fact that it only really runs on M$ platforms.

Yes, there is the Mono project, which is an attempt to port .NET to Linux,
but it will never be full fledge as M$ only release 80% of the .NET
infrastructure to the public.

Here is the issue. The industry is greatly adopting the Linux platform, for
servers and currently even workstations. This is a major move, as we have
fortune 500 clients who are planning on switching the full infrastructure to
Linux. Which means replacing Unix (Solaris, HP-UX, and AIX) as well as NT,
to all run Linux. With these advancements, and Microsoft surely loosing the
battle on the **server side**, .NET is not really looked at as a serious
solution at many enterprises, though they'll have to adapt Windows as their
server side platform, which is rare, especially in bigger companies, who
currently run on Unix/Linux.

Ford Motor Company for example, has adapted J2EE as the global
infrastructure, and .NET argument was shut down, the same day it came up.

I think .NET is a totally viable and powerfull solution, but being that they
are controlled by M$ and will not be portable to multiple platforms, it
becomes almost a non-argument in most companies which run heterougenous
environments, and I'd argue that that's almost 99.99% of all companies.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ted Husted
Sent: 3/21/03 7:31 AM
Subject: Re: [FRIDAY] Microsoft

As developers, I think its our job to develop, making the best use of
the best tools available.

I may be involved with a .NET project this summer. And if I am, you can
bet I'm bringing along the C# renditions of my favorite tools. Ant,
Hibernate, Lucene, Maverick (similar to Struts), Velocity, all have .NET

projects churning away at SourceForge. Some of these still need some
work, but its work we know how to do.

The nice thing about this article is that it echoes what I have been
telling clients. .NET is a nice quick-to-market platform, but its
immature and still needs to be augmented by the products real, live
enterprise developers have been building in Java over the last few

Although the skills most of us bring to a project have less to do with
the tools themselves, and more to do with how we use the tools. After
all, no matter how good you are using product X today, it's liable to be

a very different product two years from now.


Ted Husted,
Struts in Action <http://husted.com/struts/book.html>

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