>Struts 1.1 includes its trusty old GenericDataSource but you
>can always plugin DBCP if you want.

Hold on a second...

Isn't GenericDataSource deprecated?

Yes, it will be removed in 1.2 but is included in 1.1 for backward compatibility.

I just recently switched from using
GenericDataSource in my struts-config.xml (by specifying no type=) to
explicitly using type=org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource because of the
docs in GenericDataSource. Is this no longer the recommended approach?

If DBCP works for you, then continue using it. It's just not included in the Struts distro anymore. In the future Struts won't distribute *any* connection pooling package, you will have to plug in your favorite implementation.

Currently, I'm having some problems with pooling and idle connections which
are closed by the db server actually being given back to my app (I suspect).
Could this be related to the bugs in dbcp you are talking about?

Maybe, this behavior is configurable in DBCP so it may or may not be trying to recover lost connections.

Using 1.1RC2, what is the recommended way to acquire pooled db connections?

I recommend using the package distributed with either your container or your database.


Matt Kruse

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