Actually, the recommended way is to use JNDI to accquire a data source from the 
container. Most container supports it.

        -----Original Message----- 
        From: Kruse, Matt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Tue 06/10/2003 0:49 
        To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED] ' 
        Subject: RE: Why is dbcp / pool removed?

        >Isn't GenericDataSource deprecated?
        >Yes, it will be removed in 1.2 but is included in
        >1.1 for backward compatibility.
        The one included is not the same as what is in RC1, though, correct? I'm
        just trying to figure out exactly what is changed and what I need to start
        experimenting with...
        > I recommend using the package distributed with either your
        > container or your database.
        If you tie your app to your coontainer, then it's not very portable, no? I
        can develop in Tomcat and publish to JRun with no problems, and I like to
        maintain that :)
        I suppose for now a good plan would be to use GenericDataSource and research
        more reliable and portable options for conn pooling in the future? Perhaps
        by then DBCP will be cleaned up and a good stand-alone alternative.
        Matt Kruse

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