On Wed, Jul 23,'03 (03:44 PM GMT-0400), Tim wrote: 

> I am getting the following exception:
> SupportOrgDispatchAction] does not contain handler parameter named
> method
> For this actionmapping:
> <action path="/SupportOrgDispatchAction"
> type="com.hotapp.fes.presentation.support.action.FESSupportOrgDispatc
> hAc tion"
>    name="SupportOrgForm" parameter="method">
>     <forward name="NextPage" path="/fes/jsp/FESSupportOrgTable.jsp"/>
> </action>
> against these tags in my jsp:
> <html:submit property="method" value="    Query     ">
> <bean:message key="button.selectOrgs">
> </html:submit>
> This is my first crack at subclassing the LookupDispatchAction. Any
> ideas as to what I am doing wrong are greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Are you sure you are passing in the form variable called "method" ? 
Make sure on the form that submits you have at the least a hidden
variable called "method" ie..

<html:hidden property="method" value="updateOrWhatever"/>

and then of course make sure the associated form has get/sets for

(side note: I like to use the parameter name "dispatch" instead of
method, although on my little tutorials I used the parameter
"methodToCall" thinking that would help give the idea of what's going
on, but that was probably more confusing).


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