Hi Tim,

I am not "super-experienced" in this, but it seems to me, that your line:

<html:submit property="method" value="    Query     ">

should actualy be:

<html:submit property="method" value="some.key.value">

and then, in your .properties file for internationalization etc.

some.key.value=   Query 

and then in your class that extends LookupDispatchAction extended class, 
you need to implement

 protected Map getKeyMethodMap() {
      Map map = new HashMap();
      map.put("some.key.value", "doit");
      return map;

  public ActionForward doit(ActionMapping mapping,
          ActionForm form,
          HttpServletRequest request,
          HttpServletResponse response)
          throws IOException, ServletException {
      // do add
      return mapping.findForward("success");

Hope this helps... 

Regards, Aleksandar Matijaca

"Tim Clotworthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
23/07/2003 03:44 PM
Please respond to "Struts Users Mailing List"

        To:     "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Subject:        LookupDispatchAction problem

I am getting the following exception:

SupportOrgDispatchAction] does not contain handler parameter named

For this actionmapping:

<action path="/SupportOrgDispatchAction"
   name="SupportOrgForm" parameter="method">
    <forward name="NextPage" path="/fes/jsp/FESSupportOrgTable.jsp"/>

against these tags in my jsp:

<html:submit property="method" value="    Query     ">
<bean:message key="button.selectOrgs">

This is my first crack at subclassing the LookupDispatchAction. Any
ideas as to what I am doing wrong are greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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