On Sep 11, 2003, "Steve Raeburn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |Who do they sue if the code you've written in-house is faulty?

Faulty code was not what I was referring to.  Malicious code, hacks,
timebombs, etc. was.  In the case of "in house" maliciousness, you lose
your job, lose benefits and legal action will be taken against you.  In
the case of external maliciousness, restitution for damages will usually
be sought.

Quality is another issue, and I can defend struts pretty well on that

In any case, I think this is digressing.  I've gotten some great points
from all of you - thanks!!



Gregory F. March    -=-    http://www.gfm.net:81/~march    -=-    AIM:GfmNet

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