Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

Ruth, Brice wrote:

On the first point, our site will have a global landing page that will present the user with flags to choose their locale.

This is semi-offtopic, but might be of interest.

When I worked on a large scale multi-lingual app in Europe a few years ago, my intent was to do exactly this (but with a tweak -- the landing page language was determined by the browser's default language setting). However, I was informed by more than a few Europeans that using flags for language choice was not being culturally sensitive -- if I'm a French-speaking person living in Belgium or Switzerland, it's going to irritate me greatly to have to click the flag of France -- and it's not a 1:1 relationship for any multilingual country (as these two, among others, are).



Thanks - I'll pass this on to our marketing folks. One note, though - our site will not only be localized for language, but will also be sensitive to the actual products our company offers in those markets. So, if we market products in Belgium and France, and they aren't the same, then we'll have two flags - one for Belgium, one for France - though that obviously creates a problem with countries that have more than one language, like Belgium and Switzerland, for instance.

Brice D. Ruth
Sr. IT Analyst
Fiskars Brands, Inc.

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