Adam Hardy wrote:

On 10/20/2003 05:57 PM Ruth, Brice wrote:

Adam Hardy wrote:

If that's a real .jsp file then that has to be a real us directory in your website. If that's the case, you can set the locale via a tag in the JSP. Alternatively you could use a filter. Have you thought of character encoding? If you have to set the request character encoding, then you may as well take care of the locale at the same time. A popular method is to use a filter called SetCharacterEncodingFilter which is easy to find the source code for on google or the tomcat website somewhere.

I was talking about virtual directories that are just mappings which the action servlet looks at. If you aren't going to use a filter, you could set the locale in the action instead, by checking the mapping path for the locale code.


OK, I have to admit I'm a bit confused now :). I would like to be able to use a virtual directory structure, where /us/, /de/, /fr/, etc. just trigger something in Struts to set the locale appropriately, so that when /index.jsp is accessed under a particular virtual directory, its localized properly. Is this possible? As for character encoding, I hadn't really given it much thought and I'm not too familiar with filters, either ... is that a Struts feature or a JSP/Tomcat feature?


You would access /us/, where *.do is the servlet mapping to struts in the web.xml, and /us/index is the struts action mapping to index.jsp. The real path of the index.jsp is hidden from public view by struts.

I doesn't have to be *.do - you can set up web.xml to map any pattern to struts - for instance /us/index.schmindex would be *.schmindex

Filters are not struts - they're in the J2EE servlet spec. You set them up in web.xml as well. They're a lead pipe cinch. They act on a mapping which the request must match for them to take effect, but most of the time in this sort of situation, the mapping is just /* for everything.

Tomcat processes the filters on the request before passing it to struts.


OK, so I understand hiding the .jsp from the world with Struts, that's cool by me - I can handle that. So in that context, the virtual paths makes sense. As for the filters, would I set up a filter for say /us, /de, /fr - and then have Tomcat add the correct locale to the session before the request is passed on to Struts? Is that the use of filters in this situation?


Brice D. Ruth
Sr. IT Analyst
Fiskars Brands, Inc.

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