In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
> This might be more involved than you may think. The easy answer is to extend
> the RequestProcessor and add this functionality there. The hard answer is
> that you may not want to enable a user to just jump to any given page, only
> having to go through a login step to get there. You may very well need
> session data that gets built up in the course of a user session (think of
> multi-page forms and such). 

You raise a good point, however, jumping to an arbitrary page of a 
process (even if they are already logged on) is something I have to 
handle in any case.  A more specific scenario might be something along 
the lines of:

To complete process X, the user has to perform 5 steps.  The user can 
perform steps 1, 2 and 3 with or without being logged on, but they must 
be logged on to perform steps 4 and 5.  Obviously, I can have a specific 
check in step 4, but I would like, say, easily change the logon 
requirement to instead be in step 3.  Basically, I would like to be able 
to specify for each page whether the user has to be logged in.

As Vic suggested, web.xml provides some assistance in this area via 
<login-config>, but I am reusing an existing framework that already has 
user/role behaviour that I need to plug in.  Thanks again.

Craig Edwards
Sydney, Australia

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