This might be more involved than you may think. The easy answer is to extend
the RequestProcessor and add this functionality there. The hard answer is
that you may not want to enable a user to just jump to any given page, only
having to go through a login step to get there. You may very well need
session data that gets built up in the course of a user session (think of
multi-page forms and such). And yes I think this should on some level be
part of Struts. It's too common for it not to be ...

just my .02

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Craig Edwards [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: November 14, 2003 10:12 PM
> Subject: Redirecting after logon...
> Some of my pages need the user to be logged on before they can be
> viewed, so I have cobbled together some simple behaviour in my Action
> superclass that forwards them to a logon page.  Now, I need to send them
> back to where they were originally trying to go before I redirected them
> to logon.  I have a couple of questions banging around in my head:
> 1. Should this redirection be performed by my RequestProcessor class or
> by my Action superclass?
> 2. After they have logged on (in LogonAction), I need to return an
> ActionForward object that takes them back to where they were trying to
> go originally before I forced them to logon.  However, I don't know how
> to construct an ActionForward that contains everything it needs (for
> example, what if their original request was a POST containing FORM data,
> or was a URL like "/action/blah?id=123&a=b&c=d"...  I want to preserve
> and forward this info.)
> 3. I would have thought that nearly every web app would need this
> behaviour, but both my struts textbooks give mickey-mouse examples, and
> I can't find anything on the web that looks remotely like a real-world
> example.  Does anyone know of any real examples or advice that they
> would care to share?
> Many thanks...
> --
> Craig Edwards
> Sydney, Australia
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