Using arrayList as a form property works fine with action forms dyna or otherwise. In fact IMO it makes like simpler. As i recall you were trying to iterate through a map of forms not an arraylist.

On 13 Jan 2004, at 14:28, Wendy Smoak wrote:

From: Robert Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Unless I've missed something, I don't see the need to using indexed
properties here if the selected value is single String and
order doesn't matter.

After much consideration, neither do I! I thought ArrayList would be
easier to deal with, but it turns out that String[] is the right type to
use in the form bean [which has a Map because it's a DynaValidatorForm].
My entire purpose in switching to ArrayList was to avoid the inevitable
out of bounds exceptions in the Action code. But that's easily done by
(something like) Arrays.asList() at the top, and then myList.toArray()
at the end.

Another Struts learning experience. Thanks for the help!

Wendy Smoak
Application Systems Analyst, Sr.
ASU IA Information Resources Management

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