
Sorry if this is a repeat post, but I don't think the original went through.

I'm just starting into looking at struts.

Is it possible to generate a select/ options list using the html:select 
and html:option(s) tags, where the labelProperties (i.e. the text 
displayed on the end users web browser) get looked up from a resource 
file, instead of been displayed directly.


if we have a collection bean made up of 3 namevalue pairs {(1,one), 
(2,two), (3,three)}

     <html:select property="partnerId">
          <html:options collection="list.bean" property="name" 


     <option value="1">one</option>
     <option value="2">two</option>
     <option value="3">three</option>

This produces a select box with the English values appearing on the web 
page regardless of the locale that is set.

What I want is for the one, two and three to be keys into the 
applicationResources.properties so that different locales can be setup.

If this is not available would it be useful to write a tag to do this?


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