Struts In Action does cover the basics in more detail than some of the other
books available, but I have to agree there really are a lot of irritating
typos in there, and the provided examples sometimes don't match up with the
code presented in the book. The Spielman book is a quick overview of the
basics but does not go into much detail. There's a SAMS book called Struts
Kick Start that has some good information in it. The O'Reilly book,
Programming Jakarta Struts, is a good overview (most O'Reilly books are
pretty decent), although it seems a little more segmented than Husted's
book. O'Reilly also puts out a Jakarta Struts Pocket Reference that is handy
to have around. Each book has its good points and bad points - for FredB,
the best thing to do is take a look at all of them at the local bookstore
and decide which best fits the user's learning level and style.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Frank Burns" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 9:07 AM
Subject: Re: Suggestion needed on good Struts book

I would say I'm smack bang in the middle of my Struts learning curve and, in
my opinion, the single most useful resource I have found is this six-part
series of articles:

In terms of books, I've got both "Struts In Action" and "Programming Jakarta

Each have their strengths and weaknesses in terms of the depth and breadth
of information that they contain.

However, in terms of *how* the information is presented, I personally find
the "Struts In Action" really frustrating. It's as though the content has
been *forced* into the "In Action" format. And the result, unfortunately, is
that it works neither as a good hand-held tour through Struts (very
long-winded, and repetitive), nor as a useful reference book (the useful
information is scattered throughout its various sections). And, finally, I
have the FOURTH *corrected* reprint, and it's still riddled with typos.

My recommendation would be the above-mentioned series of articles and
"Programming Jakarta Struts".


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Janarthan Sathiamurthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 8:23 AM
Subject: Re: Suggestion needed on good Struts book

> Programming Jakarta Struts  - OReilly
> I am a newbie to Struts.
> I have been looking for books on Struts and found these on Amazon
> Programming Jakarta Struts - OReilly
> Struts in Action - Manning
> Struts Framework - Morgan Kaufmann
> Struts Survival Guide - ObjectSource
> Professional Jakarta Struts - Wrox
> Struts Kick Start - Sams
> Can anybody suggest which is good?
> Thanks.
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