On 8 January 2017 at 06:40, Dirk Hohndel <d...@hohndel.org> wrote:

> On Jan 7, 2017, at 11:30 AM, Stefan Fuchs <sfu...@gmx.de> wrote:
> maybe the best thing you can do quickly was sending this mail ;-)
> But how many users do really read the mailing list?
> I also posted to Facebook, where we usually get a few thousand impressions 
> (but the Beta 2 announcement plus reminder only got a combined 400 so far)
> I see your point. I - as usually - completely ignored the existence and
> possible importance of Facebook.
> So then maybe no one interested in scuba diving related stuff at the
> moment. Everyone skiing?! Yesterday at Überlingen they also had less divers
> than expected...
> There is that, of course. In the northern hemisphere there may be some
> people who have not been diving in the last ten days... hard to imagine,
> but likely true...
> Still, they should be THINKING about diving. And about testing Subsurface.
> And in the antipodean lands, many people are still away on holiday and/or
recovering from new year's eve headaches.  I went diving yesterday on a
charter boat.  The operator had planned for 4 trips yesterday, but only one
had enough divers to run, despite being a 36 degree (97 F) and calm summer
day with good visibility.

> BTW: I'm running 4.6 beta 2 on Windows and just a few minutes ago imported my 
> last dive from Lake Konstanz from yesterday! ;-)
> Excellent. Which dive computer are you using?
> I'm using an "old" OSTC 2N.
> OK, so that's a USB device, not BT. One of my concerns is our BT support -
> I'm hoping that the newer version of Qt that I switched to won't give us
> any regressions, but of course you never know...
> I successfully and painlessly downloaded the dive from my Petrel 2
(Bluetooth) on Fedora 25 using latest master.

I also downloaded several dives from my Hollis DG03 (USB, with
oceanic_atom2 protocol) backup computer, after following the user manual
instructions to add myself to the dailout group so I had permissions to
access the USB device - evidently the last time I downloaded from the DG03
was before I updated the system to Fedora 25 and reset my user
permissions.  As previously, warnings/violations are downloaded from the
DG03, but they never had been.  I forgot to set it to gauge mode before the
dive, and didn't switch gasses on that computer, so it thinks I'm bent.

I downloaded and installed 4.6 beta 2 on Windows 10, after downloading and
installing 4.5.6 to confirm I get the notification about the new beta when
checking for updates from the help menu (it works, but a clickable download
link or update button would be even nicer).  Both dive computers downloaded
fine on Windows.  Also, the update notification from the beta 2, tells me
I'm running the latest version and the latest release is 4.5.6.

My other "testing" included:
- Dive planning on both Windows and Linux
- Merging the real dive with the plan (on Linux), so the profile is
displayed as different dive computers.
- Entering basic dive details - buddy, location, rating, visibility,
cylinder details (mixes downloaded from Petrel 2)
- Save to cloud (on Linux)

That all worked fine.  I noticed when viewing the dive details on
cloud.subsurface-divelog.org, the dive notes show all the html tags.  Can
this be fixed in the cloud backend?


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