Productive day here so far....

Please update to the latest beta (I fat fingered the first one, I mean
the one that identifies as 3.0.2 / You might like the
results :-)

On Sun, 2020-03-29 at 11:14 -0700, Dirk Hohndel via subsurface wrote:
> > Upon activating the software,  I get a message "No dives in dive
> > list" 
> > this stays on screen about 5 seconds.
> > This is because of a file permission problem because the dive log
> > is
> > not 
> > in the folder where Subsurface-mobile expects it to be.
> Not at all. This is the time it takes to build the full text index on
> your rather old / low performance phone. This isn't a dig about your
> phone, it's simply an explanation for the relatively long wait.
> That said, I think we should change the message that we show there.
> It would make much more sense if the message said something like
> "preparing the dive list".

That should work in the beta.

> > When I tap the filter button, nothing happens.
> You don't see anything happen. If you gently pull down on the dive
> list, I am quite certain that you will see the filter header on top.
> For some reason QML is no longer showing that header by default and I
> need to see if I can figure out why that is the case :-(

That should be fixed. I gave up on relying on QML to magically do the
thing its documentation says it does, and instead created a separate
visual element outside of the ListView for the filter header. This
works on all devices that I tested it on. Reliably.

> > When I double-tap the filter button, the onscreen keyboard opens,
> > but
> > no 
> > filter text box is presented.
> There is actually no specific double-tap action - but weirdly when
> you
> do open-close-open, then on the second open it does show the virtual
> keyboard - but not on the first. Again, no idea why, something to
> investigate.

Also fixed in the beta.

> > One other issue:
> > When opening the Undo/Redo menu and I select the Android Return
> > button 
> > (NOT the X-button the left of the Undo/Redo menu), I exit 
> > Subsurface-mobile. This is counter-intuitive. Upon hitting the
> > Android 
> > RETURN button, it should just close the Undo/Redo menu. This
> > should 
> > probably apply to all submenus
> By RETURN you mean the back arrow?
> Yeah, that's definitely a bug.

Also fixed in the beta.

I would LOVE to see more people test the 3.0.2/ (or later)
betas, so I can make another release which addresses these issues.

(of course, Apple hasn't even released 3.0.1, yet...)


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