On Mon, 2020-03-30 at 14:47 +0200, Willem Ferguson via subsurface
> Here are a few comments on V4.9.3.1258.
> On 2020/03/30 00:03, Dirk Hohndel wrote:
> > Upon activating the software,  I get a message "No dives in dive
> > > list"
> > > 
> > > It would make much more sense if the message said something like
> > > "preparing the dive list".
> Yes, please do that. Just "Loading dive list"

That's already in Did this not work for you?

> > > When opening the Undo/Redo menu and I select the Android Return
> > > button
> > > (NOT the X-button the left of the Undo/Redo menu), I exit
> > > Subsurface-mobile. This is counter-intuitive. Upon hitting the
> > > Android
> > > RETURN button, it should just close the Undo/Redo menu. This
> > > should
> > > probably apply to all submenus
> > > By RETURN you mean the back arrow?
> > > Yeah, that's definitely a bug.
> > Also fixed in the beta.
> Hitting the Android BACK button still exits Subsurface.

Well, that depends. If you are on the dive list with no menus / drawers
open, then yes, the back button exits Subsurface. I consider that a
But if you have a menu open, it no longer exits, it just closes the
menu. If you then hit back again, yes, it exits.

Is that consistent with the behavior you are seeing?

Oh, interesting. I tried to make sure that this works and here's the
odd thing that I see. If I go back to the dive list from a different
page, open the context menu and hit the back button, the app exits.
It doesn't exit if the main menu is open and I hit the back button. And
it doesn't exit if I first start the app, open the context menu and hit
the back button (the context menu closes as expected).

Very strange and something to investigate further.

> Dive site editing while editing dive information. I hit the pencil
> icon 
> while a dive profile is showing. Editing the dive location is a mess.
> I 
> tried to remove some of the text and ended up with gibberish. I
> suspect 
> it is a case where the screen pointer and the internal text pointer
> do 
> not point at the same place in the text field. See the screen movie
> at
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/ucss7bqtc7mdnp6/20200330_133215.mp4?dl=0

Thanks. The video seems to show a bad interaction between auto
completion of the drop down and the editing on the screen.
I thought I had turned auto completion off for that field.
Admittedly, I have never tried to first select something from the drop
down and then edit that text. Playing with it a little on a couple of
phones I cannot get anything nearly as bad as what you show in the
video, but I do see some odd auto completions happening.

Definitely more investigation needed.

> In the dive summary screen, the Avg SAC (when all dives are used)
> gives 
> a zero or a negative value for both columns of results. The other
> SAC 
> values displayed appear ok.

I haven't seen that effect (and again tested this on two phones with to
different test accounts with different data), I will look at the code
to see if I can understand how that would happen. Do you have a screen
shot for this effect?

> After editing a dive and exiting to the dive list: when I select,
> from 
> the list, a different dive to view, the Android keyboard comes up in 
> front of the dive information. Disabling the keyboard by hitting the 
> Android BACK button only disables the keyboard for a few seconds,
> then 
> the keyboard reappears. Frustrating. Restarting Subsurface removes
> the 
> problem.

I was able to reproduce this behavior. Yikes that is annoying. I'll
work on that one, first :-)

Thank you so much for all of the testing. MUCH appreciated.


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