Here are a few comments on V4.9.3.1258.

On 2020/03/30 00:03, Dirk Hohndel wrote:
Productive day here so far....

On Sun, 2020-03-29 at 11:14 -0700, Dirk Hohndel via subsurface wrote:
Upon activating the software,  I get a message "No dives in dive

It would make much more sense if the message said something like
"preparing the dive list".

Yes, please do that. Just "Loading dive list"

That should work in the beta.

When I tap the filter button, nothing happens.
This works perfectly now. Excellent!
One other issue:
When opening the Undo/Redo menu and I select the Android Return
(NOT the X-button the left of the Undo/Redo menu), I exit
Subsurface-mobile. This is counter-intuitive. Upon hitting the
RETURN button, it should just close the Undo/Redo menu. This
probably apply to all submenus
By RETURN you mean the back arrow?
Yeah, that's definitely a bug.
Also fixed in the beta.
Hitting the Android BACK button still exits Subsurface.

In the new build I could not repeat the problem with unwanted cloud sync of dive logs.

Dive site editing while editing dive information. I hit the pencil icon while a dive profile is showing. Editing the dive location is a mess. I tried to remove some of the text and ended up with gibberish. I suspect it is a case where the screen pointer and the internal text pointer do not point at the same place in the text field. See the screen movie at

I suspected that the text editing would in general would be problematic, but I could not find similar problems when editing the dive notes, only while editing the dive location. I tested most of the other input fields in the dive edit screen and everything else appeared ok.

In the dive summary screen, the Avg SAC (when all dives are used) gives a zero or a negative value for both columns of results. The other SAC values displayed appear ok.

After editing a dive and exiting to the dive list: when I select, from the list, a different dive to view, the Android keyboard comes up in front of the dive information. Disabling the keyboard by hitting the Android BACK button only disables the keyboard for a few seconds, then the keyboard reappears. Frustrating. Restarting Subsurface removes the problem.

Kind regards,


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