I did a install from TestFlight over the current stable version. After removing 
the installed version and a fresh install, it is working again.

Kind regards,

Martin de Weger

> Op 3 aug. 2022, om 10:02 heeft JB2Cool <jb2c...@gmail.com> het volgende 
> geschreven:
> That's looking good for me, it certainly fixes the OSMC deco model issue at 
> least (tested on hwOS Tech and hwOS Sport). I could download off both 
> computers and sync with cloud storage. I've not done any extensive testing 
> but i can't seem to reproduce the portrait/landscape issue that Martin 
> mentioned.
> JB
> On Wed, 3 Aug 2022 at 06:24, Martin de Weger via subsurface 
> <subsurface@subsurface-divelog.org 
> <mailto:subsurface@subsurface-divelog.org>> wrote:
> I did some light testing and was able to either crash or temporarily freeze 
> subsurface on my iPhone. I can reproduce this. 
> When I’m in a dive and turn the phone to landscape (long side down), tap on 
> the graph (to see if it opens just the image, which it doesn’t) and turn the 
> phone back to a normal position, the app crashes or will freeze for a few 
> seconds. I did copy the log below, don’t know if it helps. 
> --------- subsurface.log ----------
> Cyclic dependency detected between "qrc:/org/kde/kirigami.2/Units.qml" and 
> "qrc:/org/kde/kirigami.2/Units.qml"
> "0.000: Successfully opened logfile 
> /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/3D291CF9-F0BE-4B90-8D96-F1C5F2DFC11F/Documents/subsurface.log
>  at wo aug. 3 07:15:57 2022"
> "0.001: Starting Subsurface-mobile:3.4.6( 15.6:arm64:nl-NL"
> "0.001: built with libdivecomputer v0.8.0-devel-Subsurface-NG 
> (107f5b14e31f276a9b5accde2c5032ea49602403)"
> "0.001: built with Qt Version 5.15.2, runtime from Qt Version 5.15.2"
> "0.001: built with libgit2 1.0.1"
> "0.001: Running on iOS 15.6"
> discovery methods 2
> starting BT/BLE discovery
> QObject::connect(QUndoStack, QMLManager): invalid nullptr parameter
> "0.024: download page -- looking for known BT/BLE device"
> "0.027: [screensetup] width changed now 450 x 675 vs screen 390 x 844"
> "0.027: [screensetup] window width changed to 450 orientation 1"
> "0.027: [screensetup] remembering new orientation"
> qrc:/qml/StatisticsPage.qml:142:4: QML TemplateSlimComboBox: Binding loop 
> detected for property "currentIndex"
> qrc:/qml/StatisticsPage.qml:125:4: QML TemplateSlimComboBox: Binding loop 
> detected for property "currentIndex"
> qrc:/qml/StatisticsPage.qml:108:4: QML TemplateSlimComboBox: Binding loop 
> detected for property "currentIndex"
> "0.053: StartPage visibility changed to false"
> "0.053: not yet initialized, show busy spinner"
> "0.053: regular font size changed to 14.45"
> qrc:/qml/DiveSummary.qml:33:2: QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo 
> properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function 
> onFoo(<arguments>) { ... }
> qrc:/qml/DownloadFromDiveComputer.qml:319:4: QML Connections: Implicitly 
> defined onFoo properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax 
> instead: function onFoo(<arguments>) { ... }
> qrc:/qml/DiveDetails.qml:414:4: QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo 
> properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function 
> onFoo(<arguments>) { ... }
> qrc:/qml/Export.qml:112:3: QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo 
> properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function 
> onFoo(<arguments>) { ... }
> qrc:/org/kde/kirigami.2/templates/AbstractApplicationHeader.qml:69: 
> ReferenceError: AppHeaderSizeGroup is not defined
> "0.254: finished setting up the diveListView"
> "0.254: Running on iPhone built-in display"
> "0.254: StartPage completed -- initialized is false"
> "0.254: [screensetup] screenSizeObject constructor completed, initial width 
> 450"
> "0.254: 1 columns with column width of 450"
> "0.254: width in Grid Units 28 original gridUnit 15 now 15.625"
> "0.254: Done setting up sizes width 450 gridUnit 15.625"
> loaded main.qml
> qqwindow devicePixelRatio 3 3
> qml_window reports width as 450 associated screen width 390 Qt screen reports 
> width as 390
> QMLManager received screen changed notification (390,844)
> qqwindow screen has ldpi/pdpi 72 163
> stale focus object QObject(0x0) , doing manual update
> "0.305: [screensetup] width changed now 390 x 763 vs screen 390 x 844"
> "0.305: [screensetup] window width changed to 390 orientation 1"
> "0.305: [screensetup] remembering better height"
> "0.305: 1 columns with column width of 390"
> "0.305: width in Grid Units 24 original gridUnit 15 now 15.625"
> "0.305: Done setting up sizes width 390 gridUnit 15.625"
> "{20440000-0101-0002-4000-000000000000}"
> "{00000005-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'BRIDGE-7C3C' 
> [LE:{a42ef4c0-4132-4b76-6893-fcc8cb4cf870}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "Discovered new device: '' [LE:{2bbc8899-8a23-b9ed-823d-212ae786e7d5}]: " not 
> recognized as dive computer
> "Discovered new device: '' [LE:{3db4da54-6867-1d21-06d3-f1fc24ca227f}]: " not 
> recognized as dive computer
> "Discovered new device: '' [LE:{8a77bf00-011b-99d8-f4bd-4bb29a350c7e}]: " not 
> recognized as dive computer
> "Discovered new device: '' [LE:{b0ec218b-a66f-3d3c-4528-3e105e7b63d8}]: " not 
> recognized as dive computer
> "Discovered new device: '' [LE:{a1121fd2-b63b-ce8a-60f4-a573f5b8325a}]: " not 
> recognized as dive computer
> "Discovered new device: 'Apple TV Kantoor' 
> [LE:{d1083487-7126-3258-7a7d-528756a786d7}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "Discovered new device: '' [LE:{5481a264-1730-0e1b-126d-0c891cb04cd0}]: " not 
> recognized as dive computer
> "Discovered new device: 'Woonkamer' 
> [LE:{13f6a5a0-11ca-0729-7952-8c4fe8a3e17e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "Discovered new device: '' [LE:{6e26b4fe-b446-6581-3a20-26c31f577260}]: " not 
> recognized as dive computer
> "Discovered new device: 'Woonkamer (2)' 
> [LE:{2f398d30-6d30-a41f-e7e1-e04568bc6fe4}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "Discovered new device: '' [LE:{534692a0-d719-6f1a-61c4-5dcf9ffb0a6c}]: " not 
> recognized as dive computer
> "Discovered new device: 'Slaapkamer' 
> [LE:{692df229-736a-9e54-e553-62612b119d45}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "Discovered new device: '' [LE:{e499938e-5d04-d73f-b12d-04fd9386b035}]: " not 
> recognized as dive computer
> "Discovered new device: 'Kantoor' 
> [LE:{c1f2297d-bf7c-6e21-717d-4ff3360d44a9}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "Discovered new device: '' [LE:{8dc58179-a45f-57eb-97a7-a1ccef689371}]: " not 
> recognized as dive computer
> "Discovered new device: 'Apple Watch van Martin' 
> [LE:{ae5b6937-9be1-9af0-b361-d8743cb502cd}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "Discovered new device: '' [LE:{1f5bf437-79ef-7da0-a675-b8d8f19f2ea3}]: " not 
> recognized as dive computer
> "Discovered new device: 'Apple Tv Slaapkamer' 
> [LE:{d8036b35-96e4-da7d-e065-7cbcc5aa6a86}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "0.367: AppState changed to active with no unsaved changes"
> "0.367: finishSetup called"
> "0.368: showProgress: datamodel vullen"
> qrc:/org/kde/kirigami.2/AbstractApplicationHeader.qml:42: TypeError: Cannot 
> read property 'header' of null
> "0.376: showProgress: bezig met verwerken"
> "0.376: showProgress: 0 duiken verwerkt"
> "0.376: showProgress: klaar met vullen van dataopslag"
> "0.376: showProgress: opzetten van interne datastructuren"
> "0.376: showProgress: klaar met het opzetten van interne datastructuren"
> "0.377: ============diveListProcessing is true"
> "0.377: showProgress: Open lokale duikgegevens"
> "0.377: Open dive data file 
> https://ssrf-cloud-eu.subsurface-divelog.org/git/mar...@deweger.org[mar...@deweger.org]
> <https://ssrf-cloud-eu.subsurface-divelog.org/git/mar...@deweger.org%5bmar...@deweger.org%5D>
>  - git_local only is 0"
> "{22120000-0301-0001-2300-000000000000}"
> "{00000003-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'KEYPAD-3439' 
> [LE:{cfabc70f-ef5f-6187-dcf9-bdb92253a98a}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "Discovered new device: 'MacBook_Pro van Martin' 
> [LE:{1d65e2e6-6fab-7e6c-b322-94df048dbdf5}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{26816cf6-334b-4580-bc3f-f1b72ef5d93e}"
> "Discovered new device: 'UDM-PRO' 
> [LE:{5d35f134-47e6-90fc-cce9-4cdbc287e1e1}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "Discovered new device: 'MacBook_Pro van Martin' 
> [LE:{38deb0d2-672a-cbb6-138d-6d221fc9a011}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "Discovered new device: '' [LE:{e5fc8825-a92f-c4d6-8fb3-288e60e15cfb}]: " not 
> recognized as dive computer
> "Discovered new device: 'Eve Degree E267' 
> [LE:{efefcf59-24cb-2694-53d5-91b29b7d48bd}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "Discovered new device: '' [LE:{e6a22ff1-0614-a875-5c92-81f9f0dc7372}]: " not 
> recognized as dive computer
> "Discovered new device: 'Eve Degree 65E7' 
> [LE:{a2a524e9-a278-c32c-a444-76720158268d}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "Discovered new device: 'Smart Smoke Alarm' 
> [LE:{083ada87-cfc0-0f69-8d85-21f6fbef68ec}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "Discovered new device: '' [LE:{f48c06ce-1d9c-0308-f263-420e80d254d9}]: " not 
> recognized as dive computer
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> failed to connect to https://ssrf-cloud-eu.subsurface-divelog.org/ 
> <https://ssrf-cloud-eu.subsurface-divelog.org/> next server to try: 
> https://ssrf-cloud-us.subsurface-divelog.org/ 
> <https://ssrf-cloud-us.subsurface-divelog.org/>
> "13.441: showProgress: Verwerken van 316 duiken"
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "13.442: showProgress: Textindex opbouwen"
> "13.442: showProgress: bezig met verwerken"
> "13.443: showProgress: 316 duiken verwerkt"
> "13.443: showProgress: datamodel vullen"
> "13.443: showProgress: bezig met verwerken"
> "13.447: showProgress: 316 duiken verwerkt"
> "13.447: showProgress: klaar met vullen van dataopslag"
> qrc:/qml/DiveDetails.qml:406:5: QML DiveDetailsView: Binding loop detected 
> for property "height"
> qrc:/qml/DiveDetailsView.qml:20:2: QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo 
> properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function 
> onFoo(<arguments>) { ... }
> qrc:/qml/DiveDetails.qml:406:5: QML DiveDetailsView: Binding loop detected 
> for property "height"
> qrc:/qml/DiveDetailsView.qml:20:2: QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo 
> properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function 
> onFoo(<arguments>) { ... }
> "13.490: showProgress: opzetten van interne datastructuren"
> "13.529: showProgress: klaar met het opzetten van interne datastructuren"
> "13.531: showProgress: 316 duiken geladen uit de lokale duikgegevens"
> "13.531: ============diveListProcessing is false"
> "13.531: initialization completed - showing the dive list"
> stale focus object PageRow_QMLTYPE_6_QML_43(0x282016e10) , doing manual update
> "13.543: pageStack switched to DiveList"
> "13.544: switched to page Duiklijst"
> stale focus object QQuickListView(0x282017bd0) , doing manual update
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> stale focus object AbstractListItem_QMLTYPE_80_QML_338(0x28232a890) , doing 
> manual update
> "15.188: clicked on dive"
> stale focus object AbstractListItem_QMLTYPE_80_QML_338(0x282334160) , doing 
> manual update
> qrc:/org/kde/kirigami.2/private/globaltoolbar/PageRowGlobalToolBarUI.qml:76:9:
>  QML RowLayout (parent or ancestor of QQuickLayoutAttached): Binding loop 
> detected for property "maximumWidth"
> "15.191: pageStack switched to DiveDetails"
> "15.200: switched to page The Lake"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> qrc:/qml/DiveDetails.qml:406:5: QML DiveDetailsView: Binding loop detected 
> for property "height"
> qrc:/qml/DiveDetailsView.qml:20:2: QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo 
> properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function 
> onFoo(<arguments>) { ... }
> stale focus object QQuickFlickable_QML_152(0x2820f2c00) , doing manual update
> stale focus object QQuickFlickable_QML_152(0x282304000) , doing manual update
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> qrc:/org/kde/kirigami.2/GlobalDrawer.qml:360:13: QML ColumnLayout: Binding 
> loop detected for property "height"
> "19.358: [screensetup] width changed now 750 x 369 vs screen 844 x 390"
> "19.359: [screensetup] window width changed to 750 orientation 2"
> "19.359: [screensetup] remembering new orientation"
> QGridLayoutEngine::addItem: Cell (6, 0) already taken
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> qrc:/org/kde/kirigami.2/GlobalDrawer.qml:360:13: QML ColumnLayout: Binding 
> loop detected for property "height"
> "22.515: [screensetup] width changed now 390 x 763 vs screen 390 x 844"
> "22.515: [screensetup] window width changed to 390 orientation 1"
> "22.515: [screensetup] remembering new orientation"
> "22.517: AppState changed to inactive with no unsaved changes"
> CAEAGLLayer was resized between makeCurrent and swapBuffers, skipping flush
> QIOSContext failed to make complete framebuffer object 
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "27.556: AppState changed to active with no unsaved changes"
> "27.556: AppState changed to inactive with no unsaved changes"
> QIOSContext failed to make complete framebuffer object 
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> QIOSContext failed to make complete framebuffer object 
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> QIOSContext failed to make complete framebuffer object 
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "35.600: AppState changed to active with no unsaved changes"
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "37.902: AppState changed to inactive with no unsaved changes"
> "38.875: AppState changed to suspended with no unsaved changes"
> "39.244: AppState changed to inactive with no unsaved changes"
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "39.561: AppState changed to active with no unsaved changes"
> qrc:/qml/DiveDetails.qml:406:5: QML DiveDetailsView: Binding loop detected 
> for property "height"
> qrc:/qml/DiveDetailsView.qml:20:2: QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo 
> properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function 
> onFoo(<arguments>) { ... }
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> stale focus object QQuickFlickable_QML_152(0x2820f2c00) , doing manual update
> stale focus object QQuickFlickable_QML_152(0x282304000) , doing manual update
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "45.672: [screensetup] width changed now 750 x 369 vs screen 844 x 390"
> "45.672: [screensetup] window width changed to 750 orientation 2"
> "45.672: [screensetup] remembering new orientation"
> QGridLayoutEngine::addItem: Cell (6, 0) already taken
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "48.846: [screensetup] width changed now 390 x 763 vs screen 390 x 844"
> "48.846: [screensetup] window width changed to 390 orientation 1"
> "48.846: [screensetup] remembering new orientation"
> CAEAGLLayer was resized between makeCurrent and swapBuffers, skipping flush
> QIOSContext failed to make complete framebuffer object 
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> QIOSContext failed to make complete framebuffer object 
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> QIOSContext failed to make complete framebuffer object 
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> QIOSContext failed to make complete framebuffer object 
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> stale focus object QQuickFlickable_QML_152(0x2820f2c00) , doing manual update
> "65.041: pageStack switched to Settings"
> "65.042: switched to page Instellingen"
> "65.042: endEditMode called with state view"
> stale focus object QQuickColumn(0x282c11e10) , doing manual update
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> stale focus object Button_QMLTYPE_105(0x2820440b0) , doing manual update
> stale focus object BackButton_QMLTYPE_462(0x2820e7bd0) , doing manual update
> "75.104: pageStack switched to DiveDetails"
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> "{20500000-0201-0003-0000-000000000000}"
> "{00000002-4899-489f-a301-fbee544b1db0}"
> "Discovered new device: 'Lock-33B8' 
> [LE:{f67cab26-2313-3c6f-5bf4-8e2ddde15f8e}]: " not recognized as dive computer
> ---------- finish ----------
> Kind regards,
> Martin de Weger 
>> Op 3 aug. 2022 om 06:39 heeft Benjamin via subsurface 
>> <subsurface@subsurface-divelog.org 
>> <mailto:subsurface@subsurface-divelog.org>> het volgende geschreven:
>> Loads all my current dives correctly (based on a random sample only). I'll 
>> test the downloading and other functionality that i use this weekend :)
>> Benjamin
>> On Wed, 3 Aug 2022, 03:39 Attilla de Groot via subsurface, 
>> <subsurface@subsurface-divelog.org 
>> <mailto:subsurface@subsurface-divelog.org>> wrote:
>> Hi Dirk, 
>> Updated on my Android. I can confirm you didn't kill any of my imaginary 
>> kittens. 
>> -- Attilla 
>> On August 3, 2022 02:27:04 Dirk Hohndel via subsurface 
>> <subsurface@subsurface-divelog.org 
>> <mailto:subsurface@subsurface-divelog.org>> wrote:
>>> And a quick 30 hours after I submitted the build, it just got approved. And 
>>> with that, the signup link for the beta also should work again:
>>> https://testflight.apple.com/join/k2OGhIS5 
>>> <https://testflight.apple.com/join/k2OGhIS5>
>>> The Android binary is already available.
>>> I'd appreciate some quick light testing from a few people, just so I know I 
>>> didn't break anything too badly :)
>>> Thanks
>>> /D
>>>> On Aug 1, 2022, at 1:19 PM, Jason  wrote:
>>>> Thanks, I’ll just sit tight and wait for this to get sorted from the Apple 
>>>> end and then that should let me have it, I can test this pretty easily.
>>>> Jb
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>> On 1 Aug 2022, at 20:51, Dirk Hohndel via subsurface 
>>>>> <subsurface@subsurface-divelog.org 
>>>>> <mailto:subsurface@subsurface-divelog.org>> wrote:
>>>>>> On Aug 1, 2022, at 11:07 AM, Dirk Hohndel via subsurface 
>>>>>> <subsurface@subsurface-divelog.org 
>>>>>> <mailto:subsurface@subsurface-divelog.org>> wrote:
>>>>>> The iOS app (3.4.6) has been submitted and is waiting for review, before 
>>>>>> it will land in the Beta channel.
>>>>>> You can join with this link https://testflight.apple.com/join/k2OGhIS5 
>>>>>> <https://testflight.apple.com/join/k2OGhIS5>
>>>>> Thanks to a diligent tester I have learned that currently this link 
>>>>> doesn't work. Googling for the reasons I have found out that it's the 
>>>>> lack of "active" test build that prevents new people from joining.
>>>>> So once the 3.4.6 build has been approved this should work again. I'll 
>>>>> holler here once that's the case.
>>>>> /D
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> subsurface mailing list
> subsurface@subsurface-divelog.org <mailto:subsurface@subsurface-divelog.org>
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