On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 05:34:29PM +0200, Sean DALY wrote:
> I think that's a great idea - will be very helpful in identifying the
> "classics".

It'd be great if the classifications found happened to, or could be
easily made to, be sensibly related to the classifications used for
quite some time now:


Somthing like:

"SL-maintained" / "classics" / "core" <--> Fructose
"community-maintained" / "others" <--> Honey
"pre-installed [on SoaS]" <--> Starch/Cellulose

I'm not saying the existing Taxonomy is the sexiest or
most-comprehensible-to-the-outsider, but it's well-aligned with the
development/deployment processes and if we promote a completely
orthogonal categorization it may cause a troublesome impedence

> thanks
> Sean


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