On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 11:48:43AM -0500, James Simmons wrote:
> Martin,
> First and foremost ASLO has to make sense to grade school kids and their  
> teachers.

Sure - I'm agreeing

>  That's why I didn't care for GCompris as a category.

I didn't see that as an issue.

> Now since we can give an Activity up to three Categories it might
> make sense to have one for the stuff that comes pre-installed.

Sure - I'm agreeing

> Other than that, does any kid or teacher care who maintains an
> Activity?

Clearly you view the answer as "no" (I think in general, the right
answer is "not unless they can get something out of that person",
which is a distinct possibility in FOSS-land, so actually I think the
answer should be "they should because it can help them").  I don't
know what point you're making, expect possibly "we needn't care about
aslo's coherency for anyone other than 'learners'".

> Among ourselves we can make any taxonomy we like, but for the public
> face of Sugar Activities we have to remember the target audience.

Did you think I was saying the opposite?

>> It'd be great if the classifications found happened to, or could be
>> easily made to, be sensibly related to the classifications used for
>> quite some time now:

I hardly read that as "the classifications must be only what we
already have".

> Any discussion of taxonomy reminds me of grocery shopping on
> Sundays.

Well, I didn't start it :).

> Whoever does the taxonomies for Jewel and Dominick's seems to have
> no purpose in mind other than keeping me in the damned store as long
> as possible.  On the other hand Costco arranges stuff in reasonable
> categories.

Are you saying that we should design our taxonomy to get people off
ASLO as soon as possible?  If not, what?

> James Simmons


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