On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 10:55:51AM +0200, Sean DALY wrote:
> I guess I'm confused because for me, a "set of demo Activities" is not
> at all the same thing as "baseline Activities included in every Sugar
> deployment".

I agree they're not exactly the same, but I think that's probably
because "baseline Activities included in every Sugar deployment"
really is the wrong set to seek to define: why might we think every
deployment ever will need a given activity?  I can't see many
deployments going out without the ones you listed (Browse, Read, etc.)
but they certainly *could* (imagine a small deployment that doesn't
want / have internet / web browsing).

It's not only theoretically hard to define, but:

> I can't find a list of packs actually used in deployments, do we have
> one somewhere?

...it's practically impossible to observe this list, as you've begun
to encounter.

Perhaps the discussion might be "what should we call Fructose instead
of 'demo' activities"?  I agree "demo" feels like it misses the point
somehow.  But "core" seems to beg the question ("core activities
are...those that are core??") and "pre-installed deployed everywhere"
seems to presume too much.

Maybe "core" / "base" or soemthing is as good as we're going to get,

> Activity Packs (Sets? Groups? Bundles? Hives?) seem to me a key part
> of deployments, but I'm not sure where they fit in the diagram :-(

Activities are manifest in activity bundles (.xo).  Or are you talking
about "content bundles" (which are going to go away as a separate
concept, IIRC)?

> thanks
> Sean


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