On 09/16/2011 03:14 AM, Gonzalo Odiard wrote:
I have uploaded a new version of Memorize [1],
with the changes we discussed in irc today, and a few more fixes.
* Auto save of modified games (but no demos)
* Alerts with new texts.


* Change to equal tiles mode fixes.

Hmm, there are a few corner cases:
- open Memorize
- select letters demo
- go to edit
---> I have the edit option for a paired game

- open Memorize
- select sounds demo
- go to edit
---> the edit mode is correctly paired game
- change the edit mode to non-paired
- change it back to paired
---> stays in non-paired mode

* Remove hippo dependency.

Did you just stop drawing the round box? side-note: I wonder as well what the palette for those buttons should look like. At the moment they are like toolbar palettes. Maybe they should be like canvas palettes.


PS: the 'replay game' button is still sensitive even if there has been no game played yet.
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