It might be because the walking area shapes you have are all closed curves.
This would indeed go against the assumption of the importer which expects
polygonal lines with distinct end points. Please check whether polyconvert
(--shapefile-prefixes) can handle the data.

Am Mi., 26. Jan. 2022 um 16:31 Uhr schrieb Sasan Amini <>:

> I assigned the CRS to the shapfile in Python, reinstalled pyproj and proj
> and retried the process. I have a feeling that the proj error is not the
> real problem. I have another shapefile for the road center lines and when I
> apply the procedure on that shapefile, I still get the same error message
> but the network is generated at the end. Surprisingly, the proj error
> messages are not printed in the log so I just copy the messages below:
> WalkingAreas:
> ERROR 1: PROJ: proj_create_from_database: cannot build geodeticCRS 4326:
> SQLite error on SELECT extent.description, extent.south_lat,
> extent.north_lat, extent.west_lon, extent.east_lon, scope.scope, (CASE WHEN
> scope.scope LIKE '%large scale%' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS score FROM usage
> JOIN extent ON usage.extent_auth_name = extent.auth_name AND
> usage.extent_code = extent.code JOIN scope ON usage.scope_auth_name =
> scope.auth_name AND usage.scope_code = scope.code WHERE object_table_name =
> ? AND object_auth_name = ? AND object_code = ? ORDER BY score,
> usage.auth_name, usage.code: no such table: usage
> ERROR 1: PROJ: proj_create_from_database: cannot build geodeticCRS 4326:
> SQLite error on SELECT extent.description, extent.south_lat,
> extent.north_lat, extent.west_lon, extent.east_lon, scope.scope, (CASE WHEN
> scope.scope LIKE '%large scale%' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS score FROM usage
> JOIN extent ON usage.extent_auth_name = extent.auth_name AND
> usage.extent_code = extent.code JOIN scope ON usage.scope_auth_name =
> scope.auth_name AND usage.scope_code = scope.code WHERE object_table_name =
> ? AND object_auth_name = ? AND object_code = ? ORDER BY score,
> usage.auth_name, usage.code: no such table: usage
> Warning: Edge '0' connects identical nodes, skipping.
> Warning: Edge '1' connects identical nodes, skipping.
> Warning: Edge '2' connects identical nodes, skipping.
> Warning: Edge '3' connects identical nodes, skipping.
> Warning: Edge '4' connects identical nodes, skipping.
> Warning: 71 total messages of type: Edge '%' connects identical nodes,
> skipping.
> Error: No edges loaded.
> Quitting (on error).
> CenterLines:
> ERROR 1: PROJ: proj_create_from_database: cannot build geodeticCRS 4326:
> SQLite error on SELECT extent.description, extent.south_lat,
> extent.north_lat, extent.west_lon, extent.east_lon, scope.scope, (CASE WHEN
> scope.scope LIKE '%large scale%' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS score FROM usage
> JOIN extent ON usage.extent_auth_name = extent.auth_name AND
> usage.extent_code = extent.code JOIN scope ON usage.scope_auth_name =
> scope.auth_name AND usage.scope_code = scope.code WHERE object_table_name =
> ? AND object_auth_name = ? AND object_code = ? ORDER BY score,
> usage.auth_name, usage.code: no such table: usage
> ERROR 1: PROJ: proj_create_from_database: cannot build geodeticCRS 4326:
> SQLite error on SELECT extent.description, extent.south_lat,
> extent.north_lat, extent.west_lon, extent.east_lon, scope.scope, (CASE WHEN
> scope.scope LIKE '%large scale%' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS score FROM usage
> JOIN extent ON usage.extent_auth_name = extent.auth_name AND
> usage.extent_code = extent.code JOIN scope ON usage.scope_auth_name =
> scope.auth_name AND usage.scope_code = scope.code WHERE object_table_name =
> ? AND object_auth_name = ? AND object_code = ? ORDER BY score,
> usage.auth_name, usage.code: no such table: usage
> Warning: Found sharp turn with radius 2.19 at the start of edge '16'.
> Warning: Found sharp turn with radius 7.66 at the end of edge '19'.
> Warning: Found sharp turn with radius 7.66 at the end of edge '2'.
> Warning: Found sharp turn with radius 7.66 at the end of edge '25'.
> Warning: Found angle of 157.12 degrees at edge '27', segment 0.
> Warning: Found sharp turn with radius 0.00 at the start of edge '27'.
> Warning: Found sharp turn with radius 0.00 at the start of edge '28'.
> Warning: Found sharp turn with radius 0.00 at the end of edge '29'.
> Warning: Found sharp turn with radius 0.00 at the end of edge '31'.
> Warning: Found sharp turn with radius 0.00 at the start of edge '32'.
> Warning: Found angle of 100.71 degrees at edge '32', segment 5.
> Warning: Found sharp turn with radius 0.00 at the start of edge '33'.
> Warning: Found angle of 179.34 degrees at edge '36', segment 6.
> Warning: Found angle of 100.71 degrees at edge '37', segment 11.
> Warning: Found angle of 179.34 degrees at edge '41', segment 9.
> Warning: Connection '35_0->29_0' is only 0.00m short.
> Warning: Connection '35_0->20_0' is only 0.00m short.
> Warning: Connection '35_0->28_0' is only 0.00m short.
> Warning: Speed of straight connection '36_0->29_0' reduced by 5.58 due to
> turning radius of 12.54 (length=33.70, angle=179.44).
> Warning: Connection '24_0->27_0' is only 0.00m short.
> Warning: Connection '26_0->35_0' is only 0.00m short.
> Warning: Connection '28_0->31_0' has a grade of 6583.49%.
> Warning: Edge '29' has a grade of 13818.38%.
> Warning: Connection '30_0->6_0' has a grade of 532.42%.
> Warning: Edge '31' has a grade of 2280.46%.
> Warning: Edge '33' has a grade of 2624.31%.
> Warning: Edge '34' has a grade of 27317.40%.
> Warning: Connection '36_0->29_0' has a grade of 772.98%.
> Warning: Connection '37_0->39_0' has a grade of 1523.64%.
> Warning: Connection '38_0->9_0' has a grade of 1603.56%.
> Warning: Edge '39' has a grade of 3939.82%.
> Warning: 8 total messages of type: Connection '%' has a grade of %%.
> Warning: 7 total messages of type: Connection '%_%->%_%' is only %m short.
> Warning: 6 total messages of type: Edge '%' has a grade of %%.
> Warning: 13 total messages of type: Found sharp turn with radius % at the
> end of edge '%'.
> Warning: 9 total messages of type: Found sharp turn with radius % at the
> start of edge '%'.
> Success.
> On Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 6:13 PM Jakob Erdmann <>
> wrote:
>> This sounds like a projection issue (i.e. lon,lat interpreted as x,y in
>> m).
>> Possibly your data hasn't set its projection information.
>> You could try setting netconvert option --shapefile.guess-projection
>> Or, your proj installation is faulty (as suggest by the PROJ errors).
>> Am Di., 25. Jan. 2022 um 17:36 Uhr schrieb Sasan Amini <
>>> I think this is going to be a "beyond SUMO" problem and rather a GIS
>>> issue, but just to learn from any similar experiences I ask it here.
>>> After setting that and converting polygons to Linestrings (as
>>> expected by NETCONVERT) I get an error about identical node IDs:
>>> ERROR 1: PROJ: proj_identify: Cannot find proj.db
>>> ERROR 1: PROJ: proj_create_from_database: Cannot find proj.db
>>> pj_obj_create: Cannot find proj.db
>>> Warning: Edge '0' connects identical nodes, skipping.
>>> Warning: Edge '1' connects identical nodes, skipping.
>>> Warning: Edge '2' connects identical nodes, skipping.
>>> Warning: Edge '3' connects identical nodes, skipping.
>>> Warning: Edge '4' connects identical nodes, skipping.
>>> Warning: 71 total messages of type: Edge '%' connects identical nodes,
>>> skipping.
>>> Error: No edges loaded.
>>> Quitting (on error).
>>> On Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 4:35 PM Jakob Erdmann <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> As the error suggests: set option --shapefile.use-defaults-on-failure
>>>> Am Di., 25. Jan. 2022 um 16:33 Uhr schrieb Sasan Amini <
>>>>> Thanks for the answer Jakob. I already tried --ignore-errors but I
>>>>> still get errors regarding number of lanes and speed:
>>>>> ERROR 1: PROJ: proj_identify: Cannot find proj.db
>>>>> ERROR 1: PROJ: proj_create_from_database: Cannot find proj.db
>>>>> Error: Required field 'nolanes' or 'speed' is missing (add fields or
>>>>> set option --shapefile.use-defaults-on-failure).
>>>>> Error: Available fields: material parents level note Shape_Leng
>>>>> Shape_Area parents_2 crossing
>>>>> Error: No nodes loaded.
>>>>> Quitting (on error).
>>>>> On Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 4:02 PM Jakob Erdmann <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Netconvert supports shapefile input (
>>>>>> If you set option --ignore-errors, it will tolerate missing fromNode
>>>>>> and toNode ids.
>>>>>> Nodes will be added automatically and and nodes within a configurable
>>>>>> distance (shapefile.node-join-dist) will be merged.
>>>>>> However, this will only build sidewalks of fixed width.
>>>>>> There is currently no code that ties together shapefiles with custom
>>>>>> walkingarea shapes (
>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>> Jakob
>>>>>> Am Di., 25. Jan. 2022 um 13:10 Uhr schrieb Sasan Amini <
>>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>>> I have a question regarding pedestrian modeling. I have my sidewalk
>>>>>>> infrastructure in a very accurate shapefile and would like to build a
>>>>>>> pedestrian/walking network out of it. IS it generally possible to do 
>>>>>>> such
>>>>>>> conversion using NETCONVERT? Obviously, I don't have nodes or numLanes 
>>>>>>> etc.
>>>>>>> in this shapefile.
>>>>>>> I would appreciate any suggestions.
>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>> Sasan
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