D'oh!  I forgot about inverting the gnomon!

I'm dizzy too, but I think it does need to be inverted. However, doesn't
it also need to be reversed Winter/Summer as well? How similar are the two
curves cast into the gnomon, Dave? I think they should ideally be slightly
different, but did Schmoyer incorporate that detail?

Dave Bell

On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, David R. Gagnon wrote:

> Dear Anton
> Regarding the use of the Schmoyer sundial in the Southern hemisphere:
> There are no markings cast-in on the sundial castings except for the
> name of Richard L. Schmoyer on the backside of the gnomon and a motto 
> around the perimeter of the casting for the large base of the dial.
> The markings could therefore be placed in reverse order by an owner in
> the Southern hemisphere. I believe that the gnomon could then be placed
> upside-down in the latitude crescent to make the dial correct. Someone 
> please correct me if this is wrong. Thinking about this one makes me a
> little dizzy!
> At 10:15 AM 10/12/99 +0200, you wrote:
> >>> Hank de Wit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> Would it be easy to Southern Hemispherize it?
> >
> >
> >> Dave Bell :<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  replied :
> >> My guess is that it would be very easy!  The latitude adjustment is no
> >> problem, and the hour lines are to be filed in as part of the assembly
> >> process, so they can as easily be put on reversed as "right"!
> >
> >> (Afterthought: UNLESS the hour numbers are cast-in?)
> >
> >
> >This is something I didn't think through, and just assumed I would just turn
> >the dial to point South.
> >Could you please confirm whether the numbers are cast in, and if so, can the
> >equatorial crescent be swung around?  At least the numbers would then only
> >be upside down?
> >
> >I hope this won't be a dissapointment!
> >
> >Thank you for your time and effort in this regard.
> >
> >Anton.
> >

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