Jim_Cobb wrote:

> Fernando wrote:
> > Now, I hate when I see something like "2 yards, 2 feet, 5 inches and
> > (the stroke of mercy)  1/8" -- It takes me several seconds to figure out
> > how tall that person is!
> Now that's a tall specimen (2.57 meters)!

That "person" is a gorilla! Or maybe a giraffe (which can
reach a height of 5 meters (16 !/2 feet))

This only shows how ignorant a person like me can be. I didn't do
any calculations. After using the different units I just though
I could relate that to a "person". a very, very tall person, I mean. :-)

> > By the way: does "stroke of mercy" make sense in English?
> > - fernando
> No, I'm not sure of your meaning for that phrase in the context
> (though I have some guesses).  English (at least in the U.S., I'm not
> sure about other locales) does have the phrase "stroke of luck," but
> that's the only 'stroke' idiom that comes to mind.

That's interesting because "stroke of luck" and "stroke of mercy"
(if it existed) would be translated in the same way into Portuguese:
"golpe de sorte"  e "golpe de misericórdia"!

> It also occurs to me to mention that being an anglophone is not at
> issue here. In the U.K. most units are metric.

I know, I know. You are 100% right. Especially after the Iron Lady's
epoch (mandatory reference to sundial).

>  I think other
> commonwealth countries make primary use of the metric system.  It is
> we in the U.S. who hold onto this 'English' system, which is ironic
> when one considers that the early U.S. pioneered using the decimal
> system in its monetary system, which I believed inspired the French
> after their revolution to make other measurements decimally based.

In 1968, when I was 17 and much more ignorant than I am now,
I visited both the UK and the US. I gave up learning how the
English system worked. In the United States I had no problems
understand currency. Theorethically. When it came to understanding
coins that didn't have an engraved number and didn't have any
relationship between size and value...

- fernando

> Jim
>  ------------------- ---------------------- --------------------
> | Jim Cobb          | 540 Arapeen Dr. #100 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]      |
> | Parametric        | Salt Lake City, UT   |     (801)-588-4632 |
> |  Technology Corp. |           84108-1202 | Fax (801)-588-4650 |
>  ------------------- ---------------------- --------------------
> Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance.
>                 -- Samuel Johnson

Fernando Cabral                         Padrao iX Sistemas Abertos
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://www.pix.com.br
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