Further to Roy Anthony's note on laying out a large dial.

His method is similar to the one used for the Swenson dial which is 30 by
60 feet.  An arm with a scale attached was pivioted at the base of the
gnomon. This was the origin of the original x-y set of points defining the
dial lines. Another scale was layed horizontaly along the top of the wall.
A seconded arm with attached scale was pivioted at a set of predetermined
points along the horizontal scale. Each x-y point was converted to a pair
of readings on the pivoted arms. A spread sheet is excellent for this. A
drill was placed through a  hole on plates attached to each arm. This
located the point to about 1/16 of an inch. This is much less than the
reading accuracy of the shadow (about 0.5 inch) due to the penumbral

Hope this helps.


Professor John P.G.Shepherd
Physics Department
University of Wisconsin-River Falls
410 S. 3rd. St.
River Falls,WI 54022

Phone (715)-425-3196, eve. (715)-425-6203
Fax (715)-425-0652

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