Steve Lelievre wrote:

> Ireland is on the same timezone at the UK, and so is Portugal. It seems to
> me that Spain and France should be the same too, but for their close ties
> with the rest of the European mainland. They are both mostly within 7.5° of
> the Greenwich meridian.
> Anyway, timezones don't solve the whole problem. When I lived in England I
> did a lot of business with Finland (+2 hours), and France and Germany (+1).
> It was difficult to contact colleagues when we needed to. Yes, this was due
> to different timezones, but also different office hours. England worked
> 9-17.30 local with lunch from 12.30 - 13.30, Finland worked 7.30-16.00 local
> with lunch from 11.30 to 12.30, France and Germany something else again.
> Germany was extra complicated because the factory staff worked different
> hours to the operations staff, so there were two sets of times to remember.
> I would happily put the whole of the EU on a single time zone, but only if
> there are also common start, finish and break times!

Still, it's more easy to find somebody in UK or Finland than in the US, from
Europe, that is, don't you think? I remember when I was in a company here in
Brussels, how difficult it was to call equipment providers in the US.

Now, fortunately, we have asynchronous communications (e-mail, to be less
pedantic): it's maybe not panacea, but it solves at least the TZ, working hours
and breaks problems...

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