Dave Bell wrote:
> Even easier, Fernando: "Invent" a spherical, but hollow Earth, with the
> "Sun" quite close, at the center! Perfectly common design for a
> sufficiently large, and sufficiently advanced space habitat, or entire
> civilisation, living within a Dyson Sphere...

huuummm... How about the shadows extending from feet to head?
Won't them look phantasmagoric? If not, this is a wonderful

- fernando

> Dave
> On Thu, 29 Mar 2001, Fernando Cabral wrote:
> > Thierry van Steenberghe wrote:
> > >
> > > Steve Lelievre wrote:
> > >
> > > >
> > > > Ireland is on the same timezone at the UK, and so is Portugal. It s
> > > > Anyway, timezones don't solve the whole problem. When I lived in 
> > > > England I
> > > > did a lot of business with Finland (+2 hours), and France and Germany 
> > > > (+1).
> > > > It was difficult to contact colleagues when we needed to. Yes, this was 
> > > > due
> > >
> > > Still, it's more easy to find somebody in UK or Finland than in the US, 
> > > from
> > > Europe, that is, don't you think? I remember when I was in a company here 
> > > in
> > > Brussels, how difficult it was to call equipment providers in the US.
> >
> >
> > Hey, guys, how about inventing a flat world with a sun
> > burning from far, far, far away and turning itself on and
> > off 12 hours? If it is very, very far away every corner of
> > the new, flat world will be equally lit. And if it turns itself
> > on and off regularly there will be no time zones, no shift
> > differences, no daylight saving in the Summer and none of
> > the problems some of us have been discussing.
> >
> > Let's accept for a fact that all those problems are NOT created
> > by time zones or daylight saving time. They are not even
> > problems.
> > They are the reality we are provided with. And if we are
> > interested in causes, it is because the Earth is a ball,
> > it revolves and moves, so on and so forth. :-)
> >
> > - fernando
> >
> > --
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Fernando Cabral                         Padrao iX Sistemas
> > Abertos
> > mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://www.pix.com.br
> > Fone Direto: +55 61 329-0206            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > PABX: +55 61 329-0202                   Fax: +55 61 326-3082
> > 15º 45' 04.9" S  (23 L 0196446/8256520) 47º 49' 58.6" W
> > 19º 37' 57.0" S  (23 K 0469898/7829161) 45º 17' 13.6" W
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------
> >

Fernando Cabral                         Padrao iX Sistemas
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://www.pix.com.br
Fone Direto: +55 61 329-0206            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
PABX: +55 61 329-0202                   Fax: +55 61 326-3082
15º 45' 04.9" S  (23 L 0196446/8256520) 47º 49' 58.6" W
19º 37' 57.0" S  (23 K 0469898/7829161) 45º 17' 13.6" W

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