"fer j. de vries" wrote:

> Time Zone Lovers,
> In Europe also Portugal has the same time zone as the British have.
> As is showed on the Web site, recommended in the mail by Thierry van
> Steenberghe, this is called WET and in summer it is WEST
> For France, Germany, The Netherlands and many more countries this Web site
> mention as name CET and CEST, that is GMT + 1 and GMT + 2 and not WET and
> WEST as Thierry wrote.

OOps! Sorry!
Thanks for correcting, Fer!

> So we also have a name confusion.....
> In our language ( Dutch ) we speak about MET and MEZT, that means Middel
> Europese Tijd and Middel Europese Zomer Tijd.
> Fer.
> Fer J. de Vries
> http://www.iae.nl/users/ferdv/
> Eindhoven, Netherlands
> lat.  51:30 N      long.  5:30 E
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Thierry van Steenberghe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: harriet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: sundial mailing list <sundial@rrz.uni-koeln.de>
> Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 7:36 PM
> Subject: Re: Time Zones
> > Dear Harriet,
> >
> > In addition to the pointers you've already received, you might also like
> to
> > have a look at http://www.timeanddate.com/time/abbreviations.html
> >
> > You are right to write "Do countries in Europe apart from France adhere to
> the
> > 'correct' zone?" with quotes around the word 'correct'...
> > Actually, most Western European Union countries are on WET/WEST, which is
> 1 (or
> > 2, when DST is switched on) hours in advance of GMT. This is fairly nice
> when
> > travelling thorough the continent!
> > However, I think Greece might be on the next zone, 2 (or 3) hours in
> advance.
> > So it's not France who distinguishes from the rest, but ...UK who are the
> sole
> > to insist on 'their' GMT time (nowadays called UT).
> > (I should check for Ireland, but I'm pretty sure they are on WET/WEST
> too.)
> > And a trick: just get an airline timetable and look for the destinations
> of
> > interest.
> >
> > As for DST, it's now a EC law or is it just a recommendation? In any case
> there
> > is a text about it in the legislative database of the EC, fixing the dates
> of
> > ON and OFF. (Check the validity dates of your airline timetable!).
> >
> > Thierry
> > 50°50'N, 4°20'E
> > --
> > __________________________________
> >
> > Thierry van Steenberghe
> > Bruxelles / Belgium
> > mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > __________________________________
> >
> > harriet wrote:
> >
> > > [...]

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