Title: Re: Time Museum Auction
Dear Tom and other dialing enthusiasts,

I'm sorry to report that, in fact, there will be a second Sotheby's auction (this fall) at which many of the Atwood collection's lovely dials and instruments of interest to this group will be offered for sale.

Best wishes,


Marvin Bolt, Ph. D.
Associate Curator                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 History of Astronomy Department
 Adler Planetarium & Astronomy Museum
 1300 South Lake Shore Drive                         Voice: (312) 322-0594
 Chicago, IL 60605                                      Fax:   (312) 341-9935
Any opinions expressed may not reflect the official policies of the
University of Notre Dame or of the Adler Planetarium & Astronomy Museum.

There is an article in the NY Times today (Page B38 in my edition) about Seth Atwood and the (now defunct) Time Museum. According to the article, Mr. Atwood is "Šnow going back to Sotheby's. He is selling an additional 218 pieces from his collection on Wednesday, in an auction titled 'Masterpieces From the Time Museum, Part II.' "
The collection is on Sotheby's web site but doesn't appear to have any dials or non-mechanized astronomical instruments.
BTW if you haven't seen one of the books published by the Time Museum, "Time Measuring Instruments, Astrolabes, Astrolabe Related Instruments" by A.J. Turner, it's a real treat.


Tom Kreyche


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