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>I was dismayed to read John Moir's message regarding the talk on the radio
about the huge dial at Chesterfield, if they talk about the summer equinox
one is led to doubt their knowledge of the subject and the dial could land
up rather like the famous church spire in the town - bent! Let us hope that
the remark was a slip of the tongue and they do know what they are doing.
However, my experience over some ten years as BSS secretary makes me fear
the worst, so many times have I had a frantic phone call from well meaning
architects or "artists" who have run into trouble. Often we can put them
right and are happy to do so, but sometimes it is too late and the evidence
around the country is there to be seen.

It is a very long time since gnomonics was taught in the university and no
one expects an architect, engineer or sculptor to specialise in sundials
but they should consult those who do at an early stage. Councils and
corporate bodies who commission a dial should preferably start off by
consulting an experienced diallist rather than leave it to chance

David Young<

Lat:     N  51d. 49m. 09s:  Long: W 00d. 21m. 53s


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