Dear Mr. Evans and Mr. King,

I liked the problem.  I have not worked out the math yet.  I am not very 
good at quadratics in trig.  I was going to work on "iterations" to close in
on the answer.

I tried a few examples with your math.  They seem to calculate reasonable 
and interesting answers:

    --lat of 50° and 35.8°  need a difference of longitude of 11° to get 
solar dec at solstice of around 23.5°
    --two locations at different lat need a difference of long of zero to 
set on the equinox (solar dec of 0°).
    --two locations with too great of a difference of longitude, would be 
too far apart to ever have the same moment of sunset.
    -- here are a few situations - all at the winter solstice

Lat1      Lat2       Diff in Long
42°N      33°N        6.7°

42°N      10°N      18.6° (one hour)

42°N     -20°S      32°  (two hours)

42°N     -51°S      56°   (three or four hours)

Upon the first reading of the problem, I thought it was a continuation of 
the "rotating platform on a polar axis with a pointer of EOT correction" 
thread.  IF you had a pointer on a scale, and you didn't use it for 
corrections for EOT or longitude, then it could point to the name of cities 
that have the same sunset time.  It might require a condition given on the 
horizontal "dial" surface that would have to relate to solar declination.  I 
don't know if I have the correct picture in my head for set up -- but I will 
think more about it.  Any other ideas on this?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Frank King" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Frank Evans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Sundial" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 11:20 AM
Subject: Re: simultaneous sunset

> Dear Frank,
> I do enjoy your puzzles!!
>> ... a question appeared of the form:
>> "Find a day on which the sun sets (altitude 0 deg.) at
>>  the same moment in London and Paris (positions given)."
> Conceptually this is trivial.  Mathematically it gets a
> little messy but I think I can get a closed form of the
> solution.
> I assume that at any instant half the Earth is in sunlight
> and half is in darkness.  A great circle separates the two
> halves.  Any place on this great circle is experiencing
> the moment of (mathematical) sunset or sunrise.
> The solution to your problem is to draw a great circle
> from London to Paris and extend it until it reaches the
> Equator.  The angle this great circle makes to the plane
> of the Equator is the complement of the solar declination
> (subject to a minus sign).
>  Let t1 = tangent of the latitude of place 1
>  Let t2 = tangent of the latitude of place 2
>  Let d  = their difference in longitude
> We then have:
>  tan(dec) = -sin(d)/sqrt(t1^2 - 2.t1.t2.cos(d) + t2^2)
> Where dec is the required solar declination.
> You cite London and Paris.  I take the latitudes as being
> 51 deg 30' and 48 deg 52' and the difference in longitude
> as being 2 deg 23'.
> This gives the solar declination as -18.7 degrees.
> I expect I have goofed.  Some bright youngster can now
> tidy up my efforts!!!
> Best wishes
> Frank King
> Cambridge, U.K.
> ---------------------------------------------------


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