Dear Gianni,

I like your explanation and I like the
extra comments too.

You have:

  P1 on the equinoctial line and

  P2 on the horizon line

This is good in theory but not so
good in practice.  For example, my
line for  Bab = 11  does not run
as far as the equinoctial line or
the horizon line!!

Several other lines do not reach
one or other of the equinoctial
line and the horizon line.

Another practical problem is that P1
and P2 can be quite close together
and a small error in either will make
for a large error in the extension
towards the summer solstice curve!

I very much agree with this:

  When a friend asks me a suggestion to
  draw a sundial, I always recommend him
  a sundial that marks the hours to sunset,
  that is a sundial with italic hours...

My practical problem here is that it has
taken me 20 years to find a client who
agrees with this suggestion :-))

Now, when I look at the finished sundial,
people keep coming up to me to ask, "How
do I tell the time, the REAL time?"

I explain that Babylonian hours and
Italian hours ARE real times but this
is not the answer they want.

"OK," I have to say, "take the average of
Babylonian and Italian hours and you will
find the time on an ordinary sundial!"

It is VERY nice to have an Italian Hours
sundial so close to home!!

Cordiali saluti



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