Dear dialist,

I have a 0.8x3.8 meter opening in a wall on the roof (technically, a
parapet, I believe) which is facing west (5.6 degrees north of West,
actually). After much consideration I came to the conclusion that I would
like to have a faux stained glass sundial (i.e., printed on a large pane of
glass) with gnomons on both sides of the glass, one for showing morning
times and the other for the afternoon.
(see attached image showing a very rough example of what I have in mind).
If it helps, I live at 32°22′40″N 34°52′8″E

Please see if you can help me with any one of the following questions:
1. Do you know of any example of such a dial I can study?
2. Due to the elongated dimensions, I think I can include additional dials
(e.g., direction of the sun, etc.) - do you have any ideas?
3. I'm trying to decide between a regular "linear" gnomon to a spherical
gnomon/nodus on a perpendicular rod rising from the cornice below. Any
4. Any interesting ways of including EoT data (e.g., connecting to date
using a nodus?)

And also for a technical question -
5. I use Shadows for the design (unless you have other recommendations), I
want to convert the data to visio or any other free CAD editor and after I
design all the dials together, convert it again to photoshop, for an artist
to design it graphically. Any thoughts on easy ways to do all of those

Thanks a lot!!!!

(You can also contact me privately at alongan(at)

Best, Alon Gan

[image: example alon sundial.jpg]

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