Dear Toomas, Bjoern and all,

having installed the extra packages, added tomcat I then ran

./utsetup    and answered questions.  I am currently running
it without the 9new) firmware so had to tell it to
carry on with "Y" at the appropriate question.

SO, I gave "Y" to license conditions, Y to continue
without firmware, return to Java question and Y
to the Sun Ray Server 4.4 question.

It then seemed to proceed o.k., but then ended with...

Installation of Sun Ray Server Software has completed.

./utinstall[466]: main[409]: handle_component[293]: installed_rev[168]: 
showrev: not found [No such file or directory]
Updating software, please wait.

Stopping Sun Ray services, please wait ...
./utinstall[466]: main[409]: handle_component[298]: do_patchadd[224]: patchadd:
not found [No such file or directory]
There was an error in Patch installation. Please check the above output for 

Please check for errors/warnings in


+++ Done.

Now, I am not surprised by the "patch" remarks of course (I'm on Solaris 11),
so do folks think that is an o.k. install for Solaris 11?

I am a bit puzzled it did NOT ask me about failover groups,
signatures and whether or not I wanted LAN service (which I do
not, only private interconnect).

I suspect I am going to have to run some commands individually
(as in the old days...) and that utsetup has not really done
what I want...  The previous times I ran utsetup
it was during "upgrades" and not a fresh install as this

comments folks?


Dave Price

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