Dear All,

Firstly, can I say thanks for all the comments
and notes so far, much appreciated.

A variety of attempts to install SunRay software on Solais 11
all failed yesterday...

[yesterday, I was attempting
to install WITHOUT having firmware installed, which
it seems to claim should work - I was going to let SunRays
use their existing firmware]. said:
>> after that you need to follow normal SRSS
> configuration docs, http:// >>
> html/Installing.html  note the >> kiosk mode is still not working.
> for s11 management, follow s11 docs, >> not express ones - there may
> be some differences.

I seem to have to do more than that...

utsetup bombs out after installing just the SunRay server software
and does not enter the stages where it asks questions.

I then went back to an earlier clean BE of solaris 11 and tried
again using utinstall etc. followed by other tools, but more problems...

One problem that popped up at the end of rrunning utconfig was...

The current policy has been modified.  You must restart the
authentication manager to activate the changes.

/opt/SUNWut/sbin/utconfig[1306]: /opt/SUNWuttsc/lib/uttscadm: not found [No 
such file or directory]

Configuration of Sun Ray Server Software has completed.  Please check
the log file, /var/adm/log/utconfig.2012_08_21_13:41:11.log, for errors.

even though /opt/SUNWuttsc/lib/uttscadm seemed to exist.

When I try to run utadm, that needs me to edit the /etc/inet/hosts
file to have machine name on its own name with it primary
IP address and not on the "localhost" line...

So, it seems that the main instructions in the admin guide are
not sufficient and I am going to need some hybrid
of the old opensolaris/solaris express type bodges mixed in with the
new admin instructions...

To remind folks, I am doing a SunRay install on a T5140 with a fresh Solaris 11
installation and wanting primary IP address on net0, Sunray private
interconnect on net1.

[We also normally configure net2 and net3 as we
 normally run our main hosts "multihomed" with live IP interfaces
on several different class-C IP networks.]

Has anyone got any definitive notes of a complete install?

I'll post more later after I do some more experiments. I am trying
again with SunRay firmware installed as well today.

Thanks folks,
Dave Price

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