Daer Bob,

Thanks for email.

bob.doolit...@oracle.com said:
> The basic model for Solaris installation is that LiveCD is intended
> for laptops or workstations

But I can't use that anyway as I have SPARC (T5140).

bob.doolit...@oracle.com said:
> and Text installation or AI is intended for servers. They install
> different sets of packages which target the intended model.
> multi-user-desktop is an optional package (group) intended for desktop
> servers (i.e. Sun Ray).

I used the text installer (from DVD and
controlling it via the service processor),
but it did not seem to offer me any options
of what package set to install.

bob.doolit...@oracle.com said:
> May I suggest that instead of using LiveCD for Sun Ray, you use the
> Text installer and then install group/feature/multi-user-desktop. This
> will do several useful things for you: 1. It will install a more
> minimal package subset for desktops.

I did not see it offer me that choice.   From what I saw, and
from what I read in the Note on page
16 of the March 2012 ediiton of "Installing Oracle Solaris 11 System",
it only installs the solaris-large-server package
when using the text installer directly.

Thus, after that I then installed the slim_install package
(as as recommended then removed that group container
leaving the packages it has sucked in intact)
and then I also installed

pkg install SUNWdhcsb SUNWdhcs SUNWdhcm 
pkg install /x11/library/libxevie 
pkg install SUNWmfrun SUNWtltk SUNWdtbas

bob.doolit...@oracle.com said:
> 1. It will install a more minimal package subset for desktops.

Our machines do sometimes run the odd cpu-resource-limited zone
too so I really need more than "just" desktop.

bob.doolit...@oracle.com said:
> 2. It will configure networking appropriately for a server instead of
> a laptop (e.g. no NWAM, static address)

yes, I gave it fixed addresses and the SMF services that are
live show that is the case.

bob.doolit...@oracle.com said:
> 3. I will install the core dependent packages required by SRS (DHCP,
> CDE/Motif)

I hope the packages I mentioned I had installed a few lines
ago meet those requirements too.

bob.doolit...@oracle.com said:
> 4. It will provide an SMF 'multi-user-desktop' service

I don't seem to have that running.

root@wiked:~# svcs -a | grep -i multi
disabled       17:50:20 svc:/network/dns/multicast:default
online         17:51:08 svc:/milestone/multi-user:default
online         17:51:11 svc:/milestone/multi-user-server:default

from what you say, should I see a service called "multi-user-desktop" too?

bob.doolit...@oracle.com said:
> which you can enable to provide some useful optimizations for Sun Ray
> deployments (mostly restricted choices for desktop users to mitigate
> desktop features that don't scale well in shared environments). We'd
> be interested in feedback regarding experiences with that service.
> There's a document that describes how to configure it, should you care
> to: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E23824_01/html/E26032/index.html

I will have a look at that document before I go further.
I have been tied up in a variety of meetings this morning
so not gone any further today.

I am presuming also that I will need to update the
IP config (at least editing /etc/hosts) using the commands
that Toomas suggested earlier anyway.  As I noted in other
emails, one of the commands (utadm -a net1) fails unless
I manually change /etc/hosts anyway...

I downloaded the new SRS etc fine.

My problems are that if I try to run   utsetup   that bombs
out and when I try to start again (on a new BE) and instead
try to manually go through utinstall, utconfig, ...
instead various of those are bombing out too.

Anyway, thanks for advice, I will read that document and
then try more things.  I am keeping notes so
perhaps I will have a full comprehensive set that may have
value to others once I get this going (optimist here :-))

Dave Price

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