Dear Craig and All,

Adding to my earlier posting, the sequence of events
that led me to get things working *had* left LAN service on.

So, this morning I ran   utadm -l Off     and I am delighted
to report that after cold restarting SunRay services it is still serving
my private interconnect just fine... said:
> Did the vendor class tags get inserted into DHCP macros?

I think it has...

root@wiked:/etc# dhtadm -P
Name                    Type            Value
==================================================           Macro           
SunRay-net1             Macro           
SunRay                  Macro           
wiked                   Macro           
Locale                  Macro           :UTCoffst=0:
BarrierLevel            Symbol          Vendor=SUNW.NewT.SUNW,36,NUMBER,4,1
NewTFlags               Symbol          Vendor=SUNW.NewT.SUNW,34,NUMBER,4,1
Intf                    Symbol          Vendor=SUNW.NewT.SUNW,33,ASCII,1,0
FWSrvr                  Symbol          Vendor=SUNW.NewT.SUNW,31,IP,1,1
LogAppl                 Symbol          Vendor=SUNW.NewT.SUNW,29,NUMBER,1,1
LogVid                  Symbol          Vendor=SUNW.NewT.SUNW,28,NUMBER,1,1
LogUSB                  Symbol          Vendor=SUNW.NewT.SUNW,27,NUMBER,1,1
LogNet                  Symbol          Vendor=SUNW.NewT.SUNW,26,NUMBER,1,1
LogKern                 Symbol          Vendor=SUNW.NewT.SUNW,25,NUMBER,1,1
LogHost                 Symbol          Vendor=SUNW.NewT.SUNW,24,IP,1,1
NewTBW                  Symbol          Vendor=SUNW.NewT.SUNW,30,NUMBER,4,1
NewTVer                 Symbol          Vendor=SUNW.NewT.SUNW,23,ASCII,1,0
AuthPort                Symbol          Vendor=SUNW.NewT.SUNW,22,NUMBER,2,1
AltAuth                 Symbol          Vendor=SUNW.NewT.SUNW,35,IP,1,0
AuthSrvr                Symbol          Vendor=SUNW.NewT.SUNW,21,IP,1,1

which to me looks very close to what I see on my old Solaris 10
SunRay private interconnect connection.

Here's my output of utadm -x

root@wiked:/etc# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utadm -x
begin general
begin interface

So, I think I may have things working o.k.?

Do folks agree?

My reason for going against the LAN option, as I said before,
is that we have always seen various "performance" issues with SunRay
screens refreshing and so what I am trying to do
is to eliminate any network factors by having the SunRay
traffic, and only the SunRay traffic all running in one isolated
network.  SunRay not leaking to other and others not leaking traffic
to the SunRays.

To make sure this was happening, I re-rigged five SunRays and the interface
to the Solaris 11 SunRay server on to a new, completely isolated
network swicth this morning and that's working fine.  We normally
run 40 SunRays fed from two T5140s.

I have not yet added the "set hires_tick=1" entry to /etc/system.
I presume that will still work in Solaris 11??

These are used by students
doing software development and/or learning to use Unix.
So, some usage is low demand command line tools (editors,
awk, sed, shell scripting an fso on) and other usage is more
demanding software development, typically Netbeans being
used to develop C and/or C++ code etc.  I would be *VERY* interested
to hear from other people using a SunRay service in this way and
whether or not you have experienced problems with "slow interactive response"
in tools like netbeans or web browsers etc.

So, I am now going to backtrack to an earlier BE and see if I can
again recreate what I have working now but with less random steps :-)

Thanks, folks.

Dave Price

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