With patience akin to a cat's, Ant, on 11/26/2009 8:29 AM typed:
I finally installed SeaMonkey v2.0 cleanly! I am slowly, manually
reconfiguring it to match my old v1.1.18 installations.

However, I have two old extensions that won't install in SeaMonkey v2.0:

TinyURL Creator v2.0 -- http://mozmonkey.com/

Originally, I thought I could get this extension to work with SM 2 by hacking
the install.rdf file within the .xpi and bumping up the version number for SM.
However, the install.rdf file uses an older syntax for the target applications
(at least this is what appears to be the case), and substituting the following
for the older SM entry doesn't pass muster on SM 2's compatibility check:

      <!-- SeaMonkey -->

Since there aren't any alternatives for SM 2, and TinyURL really is the best
extension, given its link shrinkage service chooser, I bit the bullet and
switched off compatibility checking in SM 2 in order to get the hacked .xpi to
install.  This is, of course, by adding extensions.checkCompatibility to the
prefs.js using about:config, and setting it to false.  This is the only way
I've been able to get TinyURL Creator 2.0 to install for SM 2--and it does
work flawlessly once it's installed.  Caveat:  the Add-Ons Manager will
continually burp at you that the compatibility check is turned off while this
pref is set to false, and update checks for TinyURL will fail due to the
extension's current coding.

Ant, I haven't sent Jeremy Gillick, the author of this extension, an e-mail
yet, to ask if he'd officially update it for SM 2.  But I intend to, and
encourage you to do so as well.  The more users that inquire, the more
incentive he'll have to make the update.  There's a contact link at his
website that you have already noted above.

Purrs --
     /\ /\                       | "Even if you have just destroyed a
     ^o o^    D.K. "Cat" Kraft   |  Ming vase, purr.  Usually all will
     ->T<-                       |  be forgiven."
       ~      Lynnwood, WA       |
___oOO___OOo___                  |                  -- Lenny Rubenstein

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