Leonidas Jones wrote:
I imagine the functionality had been in plac e back in the pre FF1.0
days, when they did a similar move of the profile location ( to much
gnashing of teeth, I might add). Clearly, there is no need for it in
Firefox anymore, so I can understand their desire to remove it.

Actually, for now, the only thing that was removed that we know about is the import for the download history, which is probably not a major thing for most users anyhow. More things might follow in future versions, though.

Firefox 2.0 used the old download manager history as well, but that version had been desupported for quite some time, so developers decided it's better to save a few bytes of space and much more time of keeping the code working with changing newer interfaces that they decided to drop it in Firefox 3.6 and higher. Basically, it's our fault for not having released a SeaMonkey based on newer code earlier on. We have been sitting on Mozilla suite code that has been outdated and often unmaintained since the early days of Firefox (5 years ago) up to the release of SeaMonkey 2.0, and upgrading to technology that is 5 years newer is often not a completely easy story. We more or less can be happy that import still works in the Mozilla 1.9.1.x code we are using in SeaMonkey 2.0.x.

Robert Kaiser
support-seamonkey mailing list

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