Bill Davidsen wrote:
> Bush wrote:
>> jim wrote:
>>> On Sun, 29 Nov 2009 17:00:14 -0500, Bush <> in
>>> wrote:
>>>> Please post in this newsgroup, When a Good working version of
>>>> seamonkey 2.X is available . 2.0 is real Buggy . It needs to be
>>>> Marked as   BETA
>>>>  Time for me to go back to 1.1.18
>>> The funny thing is, I am running the last beta version of 2.0 in
>>> another
>>> physical machine, running XP just like my main one, with no problems.
>>> (I have sent and received several emails with it, using the server I
>>> mentioned a couple messages upthread.)
>>> jim
>> I am back to Ver 1.1.18 and no more Beta problems. I'll try again
>> after version 2.5 is released
> No, you won't. Several people have stated that migration from 1.1.xx
> to 2.1 and later will not be supported. Jump now or at some late date
> start SM configuration from scratch.
> Most machine I have migrated, the lack of support for multiple
> profiles in migration makes a few simply too time consuming.
To ALL: And that is when NO ONE WILL UPGRADE!!! Why is it most
SUCCESSFUL software companies make their products BACKWARD COMPATIBLE?
:-(  This product is free, but still, COMMON SENSE HAD BETTER PREVAIL
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