On Dec 16, 10:59 am, Mark Hansen <m...@nospamwinfirst.com> wrote:
> On 12/16/2009 10:20 AM, Jens Hatlak wrote:
> > SCShot wrote:
> >> I keep getting the following message when trying to doing to do
> >> anything:
> >> "Please enter the master password for the Software Security Device."
> >> Any clue what is wanted?  I have tried every password I can think of
> >> but none work.
> > Quoting from the Release Notes:
> > "MailNews account password prompts are no longer serial at startup (Bug
> > 338549)
> > Workaround: If a Master Password is set and you saved your login
> > credentials, only one prompt will appear at startup. You can disable
> > this new behavior by setting signon.startup.prompt to false in
> > about:config."
> > You should be able to cancel the prompt(s) to get past them. Then you
> > can follow the advice above.
> >> Also the email can not find my current email.  How do I re-path it to
> >> the correct folder?
> > From a MailNews window, choose Edit/Mail & Newsgroup Account Settings,
> > choose Server Settings below your server and change the path in the last
> > text box.
> Are you sure that is what the OP wants? It sounds to me like a migration
> of the mail content from his previous version is in order.

Thanks for the info!  I'm not a power user but know enough to follow
directions.  Sound like it is code setting that need to be edited.
"signon.startup.prompt to false in
> about:config."  Is there a file in the SeaMonkey directory that I need to 
> edit?  Also "OP" = ?  Operating System?

The email it is picking up is from 2008 and I do not know how the
current email is in a different space, other than it might be from I
stated using SM.
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